Success Story

Consulting, planning and execution for the optimization of the wastewater treatment, Ganter Brewery, Freiburg

Brauerei Ganter GmbH & Co. KG (Ganter Brewery)
Consulting, planning and execution for the optimization of the wastewater treatment, neutralization and odor reduction
In optimization phase

Advice on discussions with authorities, development of a solution to reduce unpleasant odors, installation and commissioning the solutio

Renovation of the water system will eliminate the strong and unpleasant odor of the brewery wastewater, which develops in the mixing and equalizing tank. As a result, employees and visitors will be spared embarrassment. In addition to the economical treatment of wastewater, a new discharge permit will be applied for.

Keep wastewater fresh through the introduction of oxygen and avoiding sedimentation. Additional optimization of neutralization.

PWT supported and advised the Ganter brewery in the application for a new discharge permit. Furthermore, a solution was developed to reduce the odor of the wastewater in the mixing and equalizing tank. Frequency-controlled jet aeration was installed to achieve an economically optimized solution. The wastewater is kept "fresh" and sedimentation is avoided. Furthermore, the NaOH dosing was optimized to improve neutralization.

Electrical engineering measurement and control technology

Beer barrel with beer types


  • Fast processing
  • Flexible solution
  • Competent and comprehensible consulting
  • Contribution of experience from major projects

Technical data

Plant size
110.000 hL/a
Beer production
Raw water intake
280 m<sup>3</sup>/d
Daily inflow Q<sub>d</sub>
Incoming freight
1.800 mg/l
3.500 mg/l
35 mg/l
Total phosphorus
45 mg/l
Total nitrogen
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